
"mantle ablaze"

New mantles, reignited fire & passion for a new time.

In the Bible, a mantle is a covering of - or empowerment of… an important role or responsibility; a task, assignment, or gift that is specific to the person it is placed upon.

A clear example in the Bible is the mantle of the prophet. From the New Testament it is my understanding that as a believer in Christ we all have a call, mantle of God on our live (1 Pet. 4:10-11) We are called priests, and the mantle is our God-given gift(s).

It is time to pick up the mantle(s) and authority God gives us.

For this is a season of grace, new upgrades, reignited fire & passion, and great fruitfulness as we tap in to The Source with renewed & deeper dedication.

Things that are not yet seen, heard, or perceived are to be revealed, released, and resources made available.

To break into the new, we first have to break away from the old and familiar.

As Elisha, burned the yoke when he received the mantle. (1 kings 19: 19-21) We too, have to let go of everything that kept us from running with single focus, in our God given assignment. What is it in our life we need to break away from?

And do we need or have to do to propel us forward?

In 2 Tim.1:6 it says; to sit up, to keep ablaze the gift you received from God. Which means to use it, practice, & grow what we have received, not in our own strength but with the help of the Holy Spirit, who lives in us, infuses & empowers us.

Ordinary people who become - and do extra ordinary things…the Bible is full of examples;

Elisha from a farmer to prophet,

David from a shepherd to King,

Peter from fisherman to apostle, where even his shadow brought healing to people.

Paul from tentmaker to most impactful & famous writer.

How did this come about? They made a decision to live their lives fully dedicated to the God. Great fruitfulness was the result.

In the painting the gold leaves on the mantle indicate fruitfulness, abundance, & provision springing forth. The double strain points to the double anointing that Elisha received, the bible says he had double the miracles. The mantle and the fruit it produces, is not in the first place for ourselves -it is for others. We see this with Joseph, who provided for a nation. With Moses, who lead the people of God out of slavery into freedom. With John the Baptist, who prepare the way (the people) for the coming King.

Our mantle is to set others free, to provide, to heal, to teach, to bring hope & live, to destroy the works of the enemy and to do great exploits for His Kingdom

Let us pick up our mantles, and see our calling, gifting come alive as never before for such a time as this, as we run with dedicated hearts and single focus.


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